simple text formatter as jquery plugin
from about two months I created an account on the biggest questions & answers web site in the world at least in my view, stackoverflow of course any programmer met it in his search. I asked my questions and answered some other questions but the interesting thing was the formatting of questions and answers. They uses Markdown for that purpose.
I am not javascript expert but I tried to build my simple formatter to use it in my work, and with jquery I create my first jquery plugin, MiroDown is the name of it (narcissism I know).
Now I will provide MiroDown code and how to use it in your web page, let's start.
first thing your page should contains <textarea> to write and <div> to preview.
in MiroDown plugin I pass the preview <dev> id to show the formatted text and define an keyup event for my <textarea> to format the text foreach key pressed by the user then show the formatted text in preview <div>
I am not javascript expert but I tried to build my simple formatter to use it in my work, and with jquery I create my first jquery plugin, MiroDown is the name of it (narcissism I know).
Now I will provide MiroDown code and how to use it in your web page, let's start.
first thing your page should contains <textarea> to write and <div> to preview.
<textarea id="mytext" cols="70" rows="10"></textarea> <div id="preview"></div>but before going into more code I want to explore some sample of my formatter
*text* ==> text **text** ==> text `code fragment` ==> code fragment /@@code block@@/ ==> code block l@ url @l ==> link to urlnow let's explore MiroDown jQuery plugin.
in MiroDown plugin I pass the preview <dev> id to show the formatted text and define an keyup event for my <textarea> to format the text foreach key pressed by the user then show the formatted text in preview <div>
$.fn.MiroDown = function (previewId) { this.keyup(function () { var result = $(this).val(); result = result.replace(/<([^<]+?)>/gi, '<$1>'); result = result.replace(/(<)br\s*(\/)*(>)/gi, '<br />'); result = result.replace(/\`{1}\s*(\w*|\S*)\s*\`{1}/gi, '<span>$1</span>'); result = result.replace(/\*{2}(\w+|\S+)\*{2}/gi, '<b>$1</b>'); result = result.replace(/\*{1}(\w+|\S+)\*{1}/gi, '<i>$1</i>'); result = result.replace(/\/@@([^@@\/]*)@@\//gi, '<pre>$1</pre>'); result = result.replace(/l@([^@]*)@l/gi, '<a href="$1">$1</a>'); result = result.replace(/(\r|\n){2}/gi, '<br />'); $('#' + previewId).html(result); }); };to add this plugin to your web site you should save the previous code into .js file called jquery.MiroDown.js and add it to your page after adding a reference for jquery.js something like that
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="Scripts/jquery.MiroDown.js" type="text/javascript"></script>last thing is add the styles that will be used in formatted text
<style type="text/css"> pre { font-size:12px; background-color:#EEE; } span { background-color:#E1E1E1; } </style>to plug MiroDown into your <textarea> after all Dom of your page has been created
<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { $('#mytext').MiroDown('preview'); }); </script>I know that is not efficient enough but it just a try to create jquery plugin and use regex in javascript and I will try to enhance MiroDown
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