simple text formatter as jquery plugin
from about two months I created an account on the biggest questions & answers web site in the world at least in my view, stackoverflow of course any programmer met it in his search. I asked my questions and answered some other questions but the interesting thing was the formatting of questions and answers. They uses Markdown for that purpose. I am not javascript expert but I tried to build my simple formatter to use it in my work, and with jquery I create my first jquery plugin, MiroDown is the name of it (narcissism I know). Now I will provide MiroDown code and how to use it in your web page, let's start. first thing your page should contains <textarea> to write and <div> to preview. <textarea id="mytext" cols="70" rows="10"></textarea> <div id="preview"></div> but before going into more code I want to explore some sample of my formatter *text* ==...